Monday, September 21, 2015

Worth Reading!

In looking through the many news resources online, I noticed that many had nothing to do with Texas government. Although, they didn't put a limit on articles involving presidential candidates for the 2016 election. However, I did come across an interesting article on titled, Texas bill aims to raise assault awareness written by Dylan Bradley. It's a short article that summarizes the details on a Texas House Bill that covers dealing with sexual assault victims. I highly recommend reading this article because it highlights important sources that are useful if you or anyone you know is sexually assaulted. The article also gives a brief history of the bill's history and the evidence that stand behind it. I believe it is important for not only college students, but anyone who associates college in their life to understand the actions being made in part of the Texas government to put a stop to sexual assaults. In many assault cases the person getting assaulted doesn't understand what has happened, or the person doing the assaulting does't feel they've done anything wrong. With this new bill that has passes to open up more help centers near colleges, people can get informed and take quick action. Due to the very little bit of actual news I could find from ALL these "news" sources, it was a breath of fresh air to stumble across this particular article. In addition to it being informative, its clear and straight forward writing was fast to the point. Clear and simple is how news should be presented to the readers/watchers(TV), not covered with scandal and headlines that cause an extreme reaction. If you're looking to come across something useful and have 10 minutes to spare I'd highly suggest checking this article out!

-x-ray lady