Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Blog 5

     Texas moves to kick Planned Parenthood out of Medicaid, written by Chuck Lindell, state capitol reporter and staff member of the American-Statesman, is an editorial that broadly describes the most recent clash between government and women health clinics. In a letter written by Stuart Bowen Jr., inspector general of the Texas health and human service commission, on Monday announced that Texas would no longer allow Planed Parenthood to be funded as a Medicaid provider. The reason being that new evidence had arisen against doctors of the organization, who on video seem to be associated with fetal tissue research. The heavy claim has left Planned Parenthood with the choice of either allowing its de-funding or to challenge the allegations. Although, at the moment no action has been made from the organization, a court case in the very near future can be predicted.
     At first the writing can appear leaning to one side of the debate, but for the most part shows no clear side. That is until you compare it to other articles covering the same story like, Texas Removes Planned Parenthood From Medicaid Program on nbcnews.com. In this article the readers are given straight forward information; removal of Planned Parenthood, video proof, Louisiana, quotes from both sides, questionable video conclusion. There is absolutely no inclination to any side, only minimal clear cut info that is easy to understand and quick to read. On the other hand, Lindell doesn't make any direct statements indicating the removal of Planned Parenthood. Instead an overlooked but notable portion of the editorial consist of the sections in which he highlights the only two choices left for Planned Parenthood to decide over, either do nothing or take legal action. In emphasizing these parts one can assume that the writer is leaning towards the recovery of Planned Parenthood. Even more important to understand is that even though the State has ordered for their(PP) removal, it does not mean the end for the organization. Government may be powerful but it obeys by the same law that we all do and anyone who feels that they've been wrongfully convicted of something can challenge the State in court. So when Stuart Bowen Jr. sent the removal letter to Planned Parenthood it was understood that it was only a small step in the unitary strategy by Republicans to cut costly health services off the payroll.

"Monday’s action came as Republicans across the nation have made it a priority to strip money from Planned Parenthood..." 

     In addition, the use of certain words "strip", "according" and "suggested" when talking about Bowen or Republicans, shows Lindell's negative opinion over them. Which leads me to believe that his intended audience includes: democrats, liberals, women and young adults.  

"Texas moves to kick Planned Parenthood out of  Medicaid" 

      The wording I believe is no coincidence, "moves" and "kick" are words that correlate with a game. The tennis matches between Government policy and Planned Parenthood have been covered throughout U.S history for the past 100 + years. The players: politicians and institutions change over time, even so they never fail to keep a spectator's eye balls glued to the ball, back and forth, back and forth. And of course things get tense and a clear winner at first may be hard to identify, but luckily the outcome is always the same. 100+years... not much has changed.

PPH:1  GOV:0

      At the end of the editorial, Lindell provides an array of quotes from elected officials from both sides of the debate. The use of their opinions over the matter is like providing special commentators to re account the match. This addition to the writing further proves the logic of a game. Like the sports fans in a real game we may feel that when our team wins, we win or when they lose, we lose. That is also the type of bond made between citizens and political parties. I believe that Lindell's claim is to understand the difference between right from wrong, regardless of your partisanship. Sometimes the right thing like providing affordable health care services for women can be get shadowed over abortions. Don't miss the sky over a few grey clouds.

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